Tailored In-House Solutions
Unique in-house tailored training programmes for businesses designed around specific needs and within budget.
Totally Tailored Training
- From one-to-one through to fully tailored company-wide programmes.
- Quality, expertise, and a perfect fit for any kind of soft skills issues you may face.
- Two of our experts are always in the room to ensure each person receives the individual attention they deserve.
- Email: enquiries@impactfactory.com
- Call: +44 (0)20 7226 1877
Tailored Training Approach
- We create unique in-house tailored training programmes for businesses.
- We design these programmes around specific needs and within budget.
- Our aim is always to provide the best training bang for your buck.
Tailored to the Delegates
- Each of our tailored training programmes is adapted and shaped to fit the people in the training room.
- So not only will your programme be unique to you, but it will also be unique to each individual delegate as well.
- We aim to make each delegate’s experience relevant to their world and their needs.
Accredited Consultants
- Impact Factory trainers are vibrant, highly creative individuals
- With backgrounds in drama, psychotherapy, group dynamics, and business.
- They undergo rigorous internal training to develop their skills in design and implementation.