Why is Line Management Important?

Why is Line Management Important?

People get promoted to Line Management with an expectation that somehow they will know what to do!

So What is it About Line Management That is So Important?

Our popular Line Management Course is one of those courses that has chugged along at a nice steady pace over the years.

We’ve been running them about every six weeks or so and they’ve been generally full or nearly full.

Upsurge in Line Management Demand

Something seems to have happened recently where we have an upsurge in demand and we have now put on extra courses because our regularly scheduled ones have filled up and have waiting lists.

So what is this upsurge in demand for Line Management? Why now?

The time of year certainly has something to do with it. People change jobs; people get promoted. People realise after a summer holiday that they need to refresh their skills.

There’s something else as well, and something we’ve noticed over the years that hopefully is changing. People really aren’t expected to know it all when they take on a Line Manager role. In the past our experience was that often the opposite was true – people got promoted to Line Management with an expectation that they would slot into their roles and somehow they would know what to do.

Check out our Popular
Tailored Line Management Training
Open Line Management Courses

Newly Promoted People

In the early days of Impact Factory, we were occasionally asked to tailor Line Management courses for newly promoted people because, after a short while in their new roles as Line Managers, they wanted to go back to what they were doing before.

Somehow, because they were good at what they had been doing, there was an expectation that they’d be good in their new role without any additional support or training at all. The companies that hired us realised that without offering their managers training they were steadily losing good people.

Most companies (I hope!) now seem to have the same realisation. The benefits of line manager training for your new Line Managers at the beginning of their management careers means they will feel more confident and have a greater understanding of the difference between being managed and managing and of course, will have a more comprehensive tool kit of skills at their disposal.

Support Your Line Managers

Equally important is an acceptance that it’s all right to ask for support and that they won’t be viewed as weak or incompetent. Just the reverse is true; by seeking support, managers are more approachable, become better role models and they gain more skills because they are more open to others and what they have to offer.

We love working with line managers to deliver effective learning that expands their skills, capabilities, and success in the role.

Check out Impact Factory’s Line Management Training

By Jo Ellen Grzyb, Impact Factory Director

Read more About Line Management

What is Line Management? – Top 10 Tips

How to Be an Effective and Inspiring Line Manager

How To Excel as a New Line Manager

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