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In-House Personal Impact Skills Solutions

Help your people understand how they impact on others

Tailored Personal Impact Skills Training

Devoting a small amount of time and effort to developing personal impact is the single most powerful way to improve effectiveness, efficiency and motivation at work.

We all impact the people around us every day of our lives. Sometimes our impact is positive and powerful, but it can also be inappropriate or weak.

Our Personal Impact Skills work is devoted to understanding how all of us impact on others.

How Making an Impact Works

To start with we look at how making an impact works, and then we take a detailed look at how you can improve your ability to influence others.

We examine the whole area of verbal and non-verbal communication and get an appreciation of the conventions and boundaries unconsciously observed by everyone.

Then we explore each person’s ability to ‘work’ their environment.

Making Impact Work For You

We look at the choice of language, use of passion, silence, agreement, status, physical movement; anything that can legitimately be used to impact on those around you.

Then we look at the thoughts and feelings associated with initiating, provoking, directing or influencing others.

Personal Impact Skills Training is an opportunity to radically change the effect you have on those around you by making simple changes in your behaviour.

‘We really liked the way the training was delivered. Good trainers, friendly, knowledgeable and approachable. Fantastic exercises that helped us.’

Saleh Al-Hamyid PR Specialist - HR Development Fund
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