Power of Purpose Course
Managing stress and daily challenges is easier when we know what our purpose is. Purpose feeds our personal values, which in turn informs our behaviour and emotions.
This course helps you with
Understanding How Values Underpin Purpose
Defining What Your Purpose in Life Is
Exploring Where and How You Matter
Looking at Your Core Strengths and Abilities
Understanding Who You Are vs What You Do
Unpicking What Gets in the Way of Leading a Purposeful Life
Creating a Plan to Bring Action to Purpose
Call us: +44(0)20 7226 1877
Book this Power of Purpose Course
This course is only available as one-to-one skills training.
Please contact us to discuss further options.
If you want to book 4 or more people on to a single course, please contact us:
- Call +44(0)20 7226 1877
- Email enquiries@impactfactory.com
London Training Rooms,Suite 121
Business Design Centre,
52 Upper Street,
London, N1 0QH
Running time
{{courses[0].StartTime | formatTime}} - {{courses[0].EndTime | formatTime}}
A sense of Purpose can make a huge difference, especially now that everything has changed around us. If ever there was a time when Purpose could play a key part in how we think, behave, and feel, this is it.
Managing stress and daily challenges is easier when we know what our purpose is. Purpose feeds our personal values, which in turn inform our behaviour and emotions.
Course Benefits
This Power of Purpose Course is limited to 8 delegates ensuring personal attention to everyone on the course.
2 quality trainers per group means a total focus on you.
Power of Purpose Course
Living a purpose and values-led life
- Why ‘Who’ Means Everything
- What Have You Always Known?
- Key Moments of Choice
- What Gives You Satisfaction?
- What Do You Do?
- How and Where Do You Matter?
- Defining Your Purpose
- What Gets in the Way of Fulfilling Your Purpose
- Purposeful Action Plan
Listen to Impact Factory Director Jo Ellen Grzyb and Senior Training Consultant Ottillie Parfitt talking about The Power of Purpose
Your Unique Self: Why ‘Who’ Means Everything
Who are you?
Who influenced you?
What are your values?
What are your core strengths and abilities?
Doing things ‘On Purpose’
What have you always known?
Themes in your life where you had certainty
What Gives you Satisfaction?
Areas in your life where you derive satisfaction
What brings you joy?
How Satisfaction links with Purpose
What Do You Do?
Difference between who you are and what you do
Mattering Matters
How and Where Do You Matter?
Who do you matter to?
Defining Your Purpose
Define your purpose and bring it to life
What Gets in the Way?
Simple ways to overcome and shift your blockers
Purposeful Action Plan
Small changes to ensure a more satisfying and purposeful life