Conflict Management In-House Training
Manage conflict and achieve win-win resolutions
‘Yes, but not today’ is how people usually feel about conflict management.
The main reason to engage in conflict is to reach a resolution.
Without resolution, conflict merely becomes an opportunity to recycle old arguments and disagreements.
With resolution, conflict can be rewarding and exciting and can move things forward.
Tailored Conflict Management Training
Conflict Management and Difficult People has a mixture of theory and practical exercises designed to help delegates constructively engage with conflict rather than avoid it.
Just about every company in the world has, on occasion, a problem with conflict among its people, or conflict that its people have to deal with externally.
Tailored to Your Issues
Our in-house Conflict Management Training will give your people usable, relevant, and confidence-building tools to help them handle this difficult arena more effectively.
Our Conflict Management Skills Training can be tailored as an in-house programme to address workplace conflict issues within your own company.
In-House Tailored Programme
Conflict Management can form a significant part of a tailored management skills programme.
Some areas of your company may have to deal with really difficult people both internally and externally:
- Tricky suppliers
- Others who let you down and give you a briefcase full of excuses
- Outright nasties who make people’s lives a misery
Although not every conflict has an easy-to-achieve resolution, most do, it’s just that in our experience, people are more adept at avoiding conflict than seeing what needs to be done to resolve it.
Indeed, there are many companies where conflict arises a lot.
Conflict Management Training is for:
People who need to get on with each other better and not get bogged down in arguments and tensions that disrupt the flow of work.
You may simply need some of your staff to be able to manage conflict with more panache, or even instigate conflict management if necessary.
Preparing for Conflict
Not surprisingly we all feel that we need to prepare to manage conflict or people who we find difficult.
Most people see conflict as indicative of a problem.
Disagreement feels uncomfortable and threatening.
When there’s no open conflict we can carry on as though things are all right even if we know they aren’t.
Resolution is the Goal
The main reason to engage in conflict is to reach a resolution.
Without resolution, conflict merely becomes an opportunity to recycle old arguments and disagreements.
With resolution, conflict can be rewarding and exciting and can move things forward.
In-House Tailored Assertiveness Skills Training
- We create unique in-house tailored training programmes for businesses
- We design these programmes around specific needs and within budget
- Have a look at the possible combinations of elements in a Assertiveness Skills programme below