Assertiveness Skills In-House Training
Build more assertive teams: foster clear communication, set expectations, and create a positive environment!
Assertiveness Skills Training, or rather as we like to think of it ‘The Art of Saying No’.
There you go, you’ve just said yes to something
you know you should have said no to.
How did it happen this time?
How did they get that one past you again?
Learn how to say “No” without having to
change who you are.
Tailored Assertiveness Training
Assertiveness as part of an in-house Tailored Training Programme will focus on the skills and attributes the delegates already have. We then work on using these skills to develop more assertive beaviour.
Working in small groups, two experienced facilitators use game-play, role-play, and other experiential processes to get each individual to see exactly what is possible for them to achieve.
Tailored to Your Issues
Tailored specifically to each group “The Art of Saying No” is Assertiveness Training designed to reach the issues ordinary assertiveness training can’t touch.
In-House Tailored Programme
Assertiveness Issues can form a significant part of a tailored programme.
We offer key techniques to deal with
- Bullying
- Confrontation
- Difficult People
- Concerns about not being liked
- Fear of offending others
- Setting effective boundaries
- Being able to say no when needed
A culture where being ‘nice’ is applauded and encouraged can get people into difficulties when they need to be a bit tougher or more assertive with clients or customers.
Staff might need help to be clearer and more assertive with your customers without alienating them.
And bullying-like behaviour will need some of your people to be able to deal with this more effectively.
Strong Feelings
Everyone has strong feelings when they have to do something they find difficult.
This often happens when you are in an uncomfortable or confrontational situation.
We will work with the knee-jerk behaviours associated with conflict and difficult situations.
It’s not always necessary to be assertive in order to get your message across.
Raising or lowering your status in different situations can change the outcome.
A change of behaviour can be an unassertive way of not getting involved in other people’s agendas.
In-House Tailored Assertiveness Skills Training
- We create unique in-house tailored training programmes for businesses
- We design these programmes around specific needs and within budget
- Have a look at the possible combinations of elements in a Assertiveness Skills programme below