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Conflict Management Course

You will learn to change what you do, what you say and how you say it, in order to create better outcomes with a range of conflict management techniques.

  • Maximum 8 Delegates
  • Two Trainers per Course
  • Money Back Guarantee
Excellent - built around what I and other attendees needed, sharing useful structures and practice opportunities to help us think about conflict management in a more structured way, and give tools to work on!
Jamie Smith Institute

This course helps you with

  • Working With Difficult People

  • Using Honesty And Agreement

  • Conflict Risk Assessment

  • Turning Arguments And Ongoing Conflicts Into Discussions

  • Defusing Blame

  • Dealing With Strong Feelings

  • Delivering Bad News

  • Feeding The Solution

  • Choosing Appropriate Conflict

  • Creating Win-Win Outcomes

  • Achieving Resolutions Through Conflict Management Techniques

One-to-One Skills Training

If you would prefer One-to-One Conflict Management Skills Training, we offer a 2-hour online Zoom call format for yourself or your colleagues. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Talk to us about this course
Call us: +44(0)20 7226 1877

Book this Conflict Management Course

This course is only available as one-to-one skills training.

Please contact us to discuss further options.

If you want to book 4 or more people on to a single course, please contact us:


London Training Rooms,
Suite 121
Business Design Centre,
52 Upper Street,
London, N1 0QH

How to find us

Running time

{{courses[0].StartTime | formatTime}} - {{courses[0].EndTime | formatTime}}


This course is available in Face-to-Face, Hybrid and Remote formats unless otherwise stated.

This course is available in Hybrid format only.

This course is available in Face-to-Face format only.

Create more effective outcomes in conflict situations

On this conflict management training course, we use a mixture of theory and practical exercises in scenario-based conflict management training designed to help you resolve conflict.

You will learn to change your responses in conflict situations: what you do, what you say, and how you say it, in order to create better outcomes as a team leader.

Even if you don’t always get the results you want, our conflict resolution training will help you to be more in charge of what happens.

Conflict Management Training Course UK
Conflict Management Course UK | Conflict Management Training UK

If you are looking for In-House Conflict Management Training for groups or teams, please see our

Course Benefits

This Conflict Management Course is limited to 8 delegates ensuring personal attention to everyone on the course.

2 quality trainers per group means a total focus on you.

2 Trainers
8 Delegates
Management Training Courses

Conflict Management Course


Learn to change what you do and say to create better outcomes

  • Difficult Conversations
  • What is Conflict For?
  • Resolution
  • Maintaining Relationships
  • Dealing with Conflict
  • Moment of Choice
  • Difficult People
  • What Might Happen?
  • Where Are You Difficult?
  • Avoidance
  • Moving Forward
  • Their Point of View
  • Emotion vs Objectivity
  • Empathy
  • Avoiding Blame
  • Hidden Agendas
  • Difficult Messages
  • Maintaining Relationships
  • Diffusing Phrases
  • Letting Go

Introduction To Conflict And Difficult Situations

Common conflict scenarios

What makes them difficult?

Conflict risk assessment for likelihood of conflict

What is Conflict For?

Different types of conflict and conflict styles

Purpose of workplace conflict

Possible resolutions



Getting to the heart of a problem

Making resolution rewarding

Maintaining Relationships

Thomas-Killman Conflict Model

  • Competing
  • Accommodating
  • Avoiding
  • Collaborating
  • Compromising

Dealing with Conflict

What happens to you when faced with challenging behaviour?

When do you avoid conflict?

Handling fallout from the conflict process

Managing feelings and mental health


Moment of Choice

Defining the ‘moment of choice’

Conflict prevention

Difficult People?

Your difficult people

Different types of challenging behaviour


What Might Happen?

Biggest fears around conflict

Why is the conversation difficult?

Effective conflict management


When Are You Difficult?

We are all someone else’s difficult person

What might they say about you?

And what actually happens between you?

So what could you do differently?


Ways we avoid conflict

Evidence collecting

Talking to the wrong people

Being right while the other person is wrong

Letting them have it between the eyes

Moving Forward

Ways to move forward

  • Figure out what’s really going on
  • Deal with things as they arise
  • Avoid blaming
  • Build bridges
  • Set clear boundaries
  • Or… if the conversation defies conflict resolution – is walking away an option?

Their Point of View

An effective strategy for seeing conflict from someone else’s POV

What is their positive outcome?

Emotion vs. Objectivity

Calming a situation down


Really listen and hear ‘the other side’

Set clear boundaries

Deliver a difficult message with empathy

Avoiding Blame

Avoiding knee-jerk reactions

Creating conflict resolution without blame


Hidden Agendas

Identifying hidden agendas

‘Calling the behaviour’ without making the other person wrong

Difficult Messages

What someone does vs who they are

Delivering difficult messages

Effective communication skills

Maintaining Relationships

Maintaining positive relationships

Dealing with difficult people on a daily basis

Advantages of conflict resolution

Defusing Phrases

Effective practices for defusing conflict before it escalates

Feeding the solution, not the problem

Knowing when to leave things well alone

How Do I Let Go?

Impact of powerful feelings

Building your conflict management tool-kit

Developing crucial conflict management skills



Because of the Covid situation a lot of people had to reschedule their course date, so I ended up on a course (me in person) with just one other course-taker over ZOOM. James was amazing, he made sure we went through everything that we wanted to know. I particularly loved the role playing and the drawing on the wall 🙂

Katrin Lucky Voice

I am continually putting things into practice and the course has really helped with everything. I really enjoyed the conflict management course, and it was great it being a small group too – I feel we really worked well together. The delivery was great and it was amazing we could use our real-life examples and see how we could improve them. The relaxed environment made me feel at ease and the knowledge and skills shared have really boosted my confidence. 


Great team of instructors. Very helpful course with rich content, fun and realistic exercises and with lots of tips and tools to apply.

Sirin Icon Solutions

Excellent – built around what I and other attendees needed, sharing useful structures and practice opportunities to help us think about conflict management in a more structured way, and give tools to work on.

Jamie Smith Institute

This is a Hybrid Course

All of our Hybrid courses can be attended either in-person or remotely. Your choice!

This stunning new ‘Hybrid’ technology makes Remote Learning feel like being there with everyone else in a supportive community!

Ideal for International Customers

Our Hybrid courses are the ideal choice for international customers who would like the quality of an intimate meeting and the convenience of remote learning.

CPD Accredited Course

All our Conflict Management Courses are evaluated and accredited to ensure they are the highest quality, offering the best professional tuition possible.

This course is suitable for corporate and public sector Continuing Professional Development Plans and Portfolios.

You will receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of the programme.

A total of 6 (SIX) hours CPD study will be completed for this course.

Ongoing Support Service

  • Email and telephone access to both of your trainers.
  • You will also have access to the Conflict Management post-course web page, giving access to the extensive material and imagery including:
    • Handouts used during the course
    • New supportive material
    • Impact Factory PDF documents
    • Recommended reading and links to our favourite videos

Why Choose Impact Factory?

We provide a learning platform that is tailored to your professional growth, no matter your level of experience. Your training course will cover the topics in a fun and engaging way, delivering high-level concepts in a fresh, engaging way that is accessible to everyone.

Some of the reasons we believe in our ability to deliver you success:

  • 5 Star rating on Google, from professionals just like you.
  • 4.8/5 For Customer Experience and 4.9/5 For Our Product On Feefo, from verified individuals.
  • A diverse delivery team, each bringing a unique delivery method.
  • Frequently sold-out workshop sessions.
  • A wealth of case studies.
  • CPD Accredited Course
  • A track record of delivering value for organisations through the empowerment of their people.
Discuss your requirements