Surviving The Holidays Part 3
- Stress
The Office Christmas party is not a license to be an idiot – do that in your own time!
- Blog
Mental Health Resources
The Office Christmas party is not a license to be an idiot – do that in your own time!
The latest issue of Gardeners’ World magazine has an article by television presenter, writer and speaker, Monty Don, on craftsmanship.
Laura takes a professional workshop at Impact Factory to to see if she can display confidence without turning into a jerk!
Mindfulness takes practise and the rewards are truly worth it.
The importance of learning how to ride the waves of uncertainty in the times we’re living
Wouldn’t be great if everyone could bounce back from adversity, just like that?
Even with the current acceptance of counselling as a healthy option for those working under stressful conditions, there’s still a reluctance for some of us to use counselling when things get rough.
It seems we live in a world where negativity is commonplace, self-criticism is encouraged and appraisals are most likely to emphasise what we could do better.
Without a firm foundation of your own view of self-worth, then your self-esteem can be knocked back quite quickly and easily.
Some people can literally feel like the meat in a sandwich because they are being squeezed from above and below!
Stress Is Different For Everyone. One person’s stress someone else might consider excitement!
Our Stress Management Quiz will help you know how you are managing your pressures in work and life.
How to prepare yourself for change and not let change overwhelm or stress you out.
This is how it works: when you feel confident, you’ll try new things, and the more you try the better you’ll get.
Without a firm foundation of your own view of self-worth, your self-esteem can be knocked back quite quickly and easily.
Pretty much all of our behaviours follow patterns and it makes sense that how we react to adversity, setbacks, hurts, disappointments, etc. will follow a pattern as well.
Is there an unspoken agreement to behave ourselves and not make waves if everyone else does the same?
Can it be that in difficult and stressful situations assertiveness is really the best approach?
Standing up to bullying behaviour is easy to say yet hard to do. But if you don’t they’ll pick on you more!
It’s only when we’ve personally experienced the same emotion as another person is experiencing that we can truly feel empathy.
When dealing with difficult people, stay out of it emotionally and concentrate on listening non-defensively and actively.
Conflict is inevitable even in the best of relationships so we have to know how to communicate during the difficulties we experience while in conflict with someone.
“Christmas comes but once a year, and when it comes it brings good cheer.” Ya, well, for some it brings good cheer; for others, it really can be a miserable old time.