Personal Impact Course
This personal impact course is devoted to understanding how you impact on others.
These courses help you with
What Makes an Impact
Your Impact On Others
Feelings and Assumptions
Where It Can Go Wrong
Improving Your Impact
Changing Behaviour
Using Impactful Language
Understanding Body Language
Personal Boundaries
The 2-Day course allows for more practice and personalised time with the trainers.
Call us: +44(0)20 7226 1877
Book this Personal Impact Course
This course is only available as one-to-one skills training.
Please contact us to discuss further options.
If you want to book 4 or more people on to a single course, please contact us:
- Call +44(0)20 7226 1877
- Email
London Training Rooms,Suite 121
Business Design Centre,
52 Upper Street,
London, N1 0QH
Running time
{{courses[0].StartTime | formatTime}} - {{courses[0].EndTime | formatTime}}
One Day Open Course
This personal impact training course is devoted to understanding how you impact others.
Personal Impact training includes key elements of our communication, presentation, assertiveness, and influencing programmes.
It’s designed to bring these elements together to give you a real experience of the impact you make and how to choose the impact you want.
Course Benefits
This Personal Impact Course is limited to 8 delegates ensuring personal attention to everyone on the course.
2 quality trainers per group means a total focus on you.
Personal Impact Course
What makes an impact and how people impact one another
- Making an Impact
- Styles and Strengths
- Feelings
- Personal Boundaries
- Assumptions
- Personal Impact Tool-Kit
- First Impressions
- Language
- Body Language
- Persuasion, Motivation, and Inspiration
Listen to Impact Factory Senior Training Consultants Tom Bodell and Bill Sheehan talking about Personal Impact
Two Day Open Course
This personal impact training course does exactly what it says on the tin.
You will get a deep insight into the impact you make, the choices you make, and what you could do differently.
It would be great to change other people, but life’s too short and it’s just too difficult to do sometimes.
Two days allow plenty of time to practice the changes you can make when you are not having the impact you could or should have.
Course Benefits
This Personal Impact Course is limited to 8 delegates ensuring personal attention to everyone on the course.
2 quality trainers per group means a total focus on you.
Personal Impact Course – Two Day
Understanding your impact
- What Makes an Impact
- Small Changes
- What’s Your Style?
- Building Rapport
- First and Last Impressions
- Confidence
- Assumptions
- How Others See The World
- Emotions and Behaviour
- Use of Empathy
Making small changes to create a big impact
- Tool-Kit
- Delivering Messages
- Managing Uncertainty
- Better Meetings
- Networking
- Feedback Finesse
- Assertiveness
- Difficult Styles
- Practise!
- Your Personal Impact
Listen to Impact Factory Senior Training Consultants Tom Bodell and Bill Sheehan talking about Personal Impact
Making an Impact
What makes an impact?
How people impact one another
Feelings in uncomfortable or new situations
How feelings impact behaviour
Personal Boundaries
Setting personal space boundaries
Boundaries with other people’s demands
Automatic assumptions
How they effect the way you behave
Personal Impact Tool-Kit
Defusing arguments
Power of expression
Turning the ‘volume’ up or down
Managing your awareness and self-consciousness
Stretching your capacity to communicate verbally and non-verbally
How language creates an impact
Body Language
How body language reads
Small adjustments for a big impact
Persuasion, Motivation and Inspiration
Consolidating the work of the day
Persuading, inspiring, and motivating others
Making an Impact
Dynamics of face-to-face communication
What affects the impact you make?
Small Changes
Make small changes to see what you create in others
- Voice
- Eye contact
- Body Language
- Positioning
- Use of environment
Building Rapport
Establish common ground between people
First and Last Impressions
Choose a first impression that suits the impact you want to make
The forgotten last impression
We all make assumptions
Assumptions impact behaviour
How best to use assumptions
Simple behavioural techniques that impact communications
Emotion vs. Objectivity
Understand next steps when emotions are involved
Opportunities for understanding and common ground
Delivering Messages
Delivering clear and concise messages
Difficult messages
Managing Uncertainty
What you know
What you don’t know
Better Meetings
Impact around a table
- Getting your voice in the room
- Speaking up without being negative
- Keeping others included/engaged
- Managing “bad” behaviour
- Creating buy-in from others
Difficult People and Situations
A chance to practise techniques on your difficult people and situations
Your Personal Impact
Receiving feedback on your strengths and qualities