Line Management Course - Two Day
Our popular line management course is suitable for newly appointed line managers, and those with experience who want to improve their effectiveness.
This course helps you with
The Line Management Role
From Managed to Managing
Unspoken Responsibilities
Motivating and Inspiring Others
Giving Essential Feedback
Practicing Effective Delegation
Managing Upwards
Establishing Clear Boundaries
Setting and Achieving Goals
Call us: +44(0)20 7226 1877
Book this Line Management Course
This course is only available as one-to-one skills training.
Please contact us to discuss further options.
If you want to book 4 or more people on to a single course, please contact us:
- Call +44(0)20 7226 1877
- Email
London Training Rooms,Suite 121
Business Design Centre,
52 Upper Street,
London, N1 0QH
Running time
{{courses[0].StartTime | formatTime}} - {{courses[0].EndTime | formatTime}}
Our popular two day line management course is suitable for newly appointed line managers, and those with experience who want to improve their effectiveness.
We give particular focus to those who have to manage remote or hybrid teams.
Our line management courses are designed to help you understand and engage with what a line manager is supposed to do.
Course Benefits
This Line Management Course is limited to 8 delegates ensuring personal attention to everyone on the course.
2 quality trainers per group means a total focus on you.
Line Management Course
The Line Management Journey
- The Challenge of Line Management
- From Managed to Manager
- Stepping Up
- Things They Don’t Tell You
- Hands-On vs Hands Off
- Response Styles
- Wheel of Empathy
- Motivation
Being an Outstanding Line Manager
- Delegation
- Asking Questions
- Feedback Finesse
- I Noticed That…
- Blame vs Effect of Behaviour
- Deliberate Misunderstanding
- Pushback
- Personal Style
Listen to Impact Factory Director Jo Ellen Grzyb and Senior Training Consultant Sarah Dawrant talking about How to Excel as a New Line Manager
The Line Management Journey
When you were managed well
Being poorly managed
When you managed successfully
Skills and resources you used
From Managed to Managing
Differences between being managed and managing
Key Line Management Skills
Stepping Up
Acknowledging key skills and qualities you already have
Identifying a key management quality to develop
Things They Don't Tell You
What line managers are responsible for, including those that aren’t necessarily in the job description!
Those little ‘extras’ that can seem daunting
Hands-On vs Hands-Off
Managing face-to-face vs remote
Identifying how your team members prefer to be managed
Response Styles
Introduction to coaching styles
Best ways to communicate with each team member
What gets in the way?
Wheel of Empathy
The verbal and non-verbal clues that help you to read others
Look at your motivators and what motivates other people
Holding on to familiar work
The challenge of delegating
Understanding the difference between doing it yourself, telling or coaching
Asking Questions
Practise a range of questioning techniques
Feedback Finesse
What is feedback for?
Prepare and practise feedback conversations
I Noticed That...
Pre-empt difficulties and patterns of behaviour
Blame vs Effect of Behaviour
How to avoid finger-pointing and blame
Deliberate Misunderstanding
Dealing with obtuse or difficult people
Push back when there’s pressure from above and pressure from the team
Personal Style
What makes you a great Line Manager?